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Elbert Hinton is the founder and senior pastor of Kingdom Exploits Church. With a heart after God, Pastor Hinton is known for his practical applications of the bible and his candid approach. All of which have helped him lead thousands to the Lord, Jesus Christ.


Pastor Hinton has served in ministry for over 28 years. He became a licensed minister in March of 1996, and became an ordained minister in January of 2000. He continues to show love and compassion to all, as he extends his heart to empower them with the rhema word of God.


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33 NIV


Pastor Elbert Hinton is also the founder of M.O.V.E. (Men of Vision Empowered) a ministry geared to REbuild and REstore men and bring them to their rightful place in God. 


 As a catalyst for empowering men, Pastor Hinton’s vision for every man is to enter into KINGship through knowing God. His impactful and unparalleled methodology reaches beyond the church walls.


Pastor Hinton received his bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. As a young teen, he enlisted in the United States Air Force, where he faithfully served for 22 years until he retired. Pastor Hinton and his wife have 2 children and reside in Houston, Texas.


Shannon Hinton is a celebrated teacher, soloist, author, and conference speaker.  Together with her husband, she is the co-pastor of Kingdom Exploits Church, where she pastors unapologetically.  Pastor Shannon, or Lady Hinton as some lovingly call her, is the founder of P.E.A.R.L.S., a ministry for a diverse group of women of all ages, nationality, and style. 


Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls

Matthew 13:45 KJV


The goodly Pearl is what Pastor Shannon seeks after in all women. 


It is Pastor Shannon’s astounding love for God and his people that has compelled her to serve God for the past 28 years. She has spoken into the lives of thousands of women across the world, and has led many into the kingdom of God.


Most recently, the Lord placed in Pastor Shannon’s heart to form a ministry focusing on the relationship of mothers and daughters.  As a result, "M.A.D.E. (Mothers and Daughters Empowered) in the Image of God" was born. 


Pastor Shannon received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and later graduated from Strong Faith Bible College in New Orleans, Louisiana. Pastor Shannon and her husband have 2 children and reside in Houston, Texas.



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Trinika Carriere-Director


Children's Ministry

Jasmine Tolbert-Director

Youth Ministry

Lawanda White

 Finance Manager

Jacqueline Criswell

Director of Ministers

Kristian Hughes-Director

Media Department

Laflower Bowie-Overseer

​Embassy Prayer Ministry

Johnny Criswell, Sr. 

Head Deacon

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